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Middle School Science Resources

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Educational Science Content

Engaging science resources designed to support middle school teachers and students!

Wave Properties and Applications in Technology

Explore fun and interactive resources that focus on understanding mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Whole group activities, review games, and vocabulary practice sheets for students who are at grade level as well as low Lexile leveled students and English Language Learners can be found here!

Engineering Design

Access comprehensive engineering resources that align with middle school science standards. Resources are available for students who are at grade level as well as for students who have a low Lexile level. Vocabulary practice sheets, reading passages, technical drafting, flow charts, labs, review, and assessments are available!

Discover engaging lessons and activities covering NGSS middle school standards. Whole group lesson plans, vocabulary resources, and bundles are available in this growing science folder highlighting matter and its interactions.

Matter and its Interactions

Free Resources!

Student Approved

Please feel free to choose one of the free editable resources below. These resources are not free on TPT, only here! Message me below with your choice.

Free ELL/ESL Science Resource!

Enter your name, email address, and a message letting me know which activity highlighted above you would like for your FREE RESOURCE!